Little Millet
Bengali : sama, Gujarati : gajro; kuri, Hindi : kutki, shavan, Kannada : same, save, Marathi : sava, halvi, vari, Oriya : suan, Punjabi : swank, Tamil : samai, Telugu : samal
Little millet is high in fiber and helps to reduce fat deposits in the body. Prevents constipation, heals all problems related to stomach, it improves semen counts in men and also helps women with irregular period problems. Diabetic friendly and gluten free.
Millets have been cultivated from pre-historic times and is one of the world's earliest food plants used by humans. It is naturally gluten free and is non-acid forming. Millets are alkalizing foods which helps in preventing chronic diseases.
Soak, ferment, roast or sprout before consumption to derive full benefits of millets and whole grains.
- Vegetarian
- Contains Little Millet.
- Shelf life is 12 months.
- Store in cool and dry place.